Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012 5th Treatment

Leland had his 5th treatment last week.  It went well,  and he continues to be much improved.  Not 100%; as in completely well, but still so much better.  He is driving again, and has taken over the Seattle driving for which I am very happy!  He does a better job of that than I do, so I am glad to let him have it and so glad he is feeling up to it. 

After treatment, we went to Chaunda and Patricks.  We got to see the house and yard and a couple of the newest art projects.  She had fixed a nice lunch which we enjoyed, and then Patrick came home from work and we were able to visit with him for a few minutes before starting for home.  It is a long drive!

Yesterday, Sabbath, we went to church then in the late afternoon headed to MaryHill Park for a picnic supper with friends, a lovely day, none of which was possible just 5 weeks ago.

This week will be quite busy with the trip to Seattle, then on to Redmond for Mom's memorial service.  We will take the trailer and Del and Chuck will travel with us, so if Leland gets tired, Chuck can drive.  I can drive on the open road if I need to, but would never be able to back it up and park it.

Mom's service is on Sabbath, Oct 6 at 3pm, Redmond SDA Church. Leland has created the program hand out, and it has gone to the printers, we will pick up the order on Monday.  Del has arranged the program, gotten the headstone which is beautiful, Norm has done a really great slide show, and now I must put the finishing touches on the Eulogy, and we are ready to honor her life.  We are grateful Mom never had to know about Leland's cancer.  We are also grateful to be able to plan on going to her service, which would not have been possible had this all happened in July.  We are looking forward to seeing all the family and many friends next weekend.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 19,2012 Treatment #4

We are home from Seattle once again, another safe trip.  Leland is feeling so well, he drove the entire way home while I read to him, much of the time that we were not watching the fires we could see from I-90 near Ellensburg.  Awful smoke and devastation in the forest there.

As I am writing this, he is in his office working on the program for Mom VanTassel's memorial service. This is after arriving at the clinic at 8 am, 4 hours of treatment, a trip to the South Center Mall with Chaunda then 5 hours home.  Amazing!   He enjoys that kind of work, but had not had the energy to do anything like that for months.  

The treatments are going very well, and Leland commented tonight that he feels better today than at any time since his diagnosis-what an incredible blessing after the nightmare we lived through in July!

We saw both Oncologists today, who think Leland is doing very well.  The CT scan was somewhat troubling, but was repeated after only three treatments of  twelve, so they will wait and check it again in November.  In the meantime, his blood is drawn every week before treatment;  they are satisfied with the profile and the progress he is making.  We have access to a Physicians Assistant, RNs, a Medical Oncologist and a Naturopathic Oncologist every week.  They all work as a team, meeting every morning together to discuss each patient for that day.  I cannot say enough good about Integrative Medicine and the huge improvement in Leland's quality of life! It is an answer to prayer.

 His series of treatments are due to be finished the 14th of November, and then another protocol will start, to be determined by the results of tests that will be done then to gauge progress.  I hope we will not need to continue weekly trips there, but we will do what we need to do. Hopefully, he will have made excellent progress into remission and the protocol will be one of maintenance and prevention.

Last week David and Susan came over with Kylie and Kierstyn.  David used the weedeater and cut down a lot of weeds which were growing around the parking area and driveway.  Thank you soooo much!  Kylie almost 7, and very cute, leaned into me while I was sitting in the living room and said very seriously "Grandma VanTassel, I NEED to know why Grandpa VanTassel has cancer."  "Well honey, I really can't answer that-we just don't know"  I replied.  A little later she went into the computer room where Leland was opening some pictures to show them, leaned into his chair, and repeated the same question to him.  He told her "We really don't know why Kylie, but if you ever get cancer, you will be very old when it happens"  He said she seemed satisfied with that, and ran off to play.  So sweet, and learning so fast. 
 Also last week, Del came over and organized the greenhouse in which I had been piling boxes until we can get them to recyling.  And then she washed a couple hundred of the 3 1/2  and 4 inch pots!  Thank you Del, now when spring comes, we can just go right to work :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, Sept 13, 2012

We are back from Seattle. Leland had a Power Port inserted under his skin on Tuesday afternoon. It has a catheter that goes from a small recepticle inplanted just under his skin and right under the collarbone. The catheter goes into the jugular vein and moves whatever is being infused much more quickly and efficiently than a vein, as the blood flow is much faster there. This saves him from having his veins pierced each week, and hopefully will keep them from breaking down.

His blood is drawn each week, and the status checked before they do any therapy.  He will have the CT scan done tomorrow in The Dalles  and we should get the results when we go to the clinic next week.

His treatment is including high dose IV Vitamin C now, 25,000 units.  The treatments are going well, and he continues to feel better and able to enjoy his food again.  He still needs to nap throughout the day, but in between has energy and interest to do a few tasks as long as they don’t take too long.  He got his desk cleaned off again and has even done a session of Flight Sim which he had not had even the mental energy to do for a couple of months.

I got acquainted with a patient across the aisle from us this last week with   Stage IV Lung Cancer.  She was very friendly and we ended up visiting for several minutes while Leland dozed.  She told me they gave her 6 months to live, and first she was depressed, then she got mad.  So in colorful language which I will not repeat here, she stood up and told her Doctor that he was wrong, she would NOT Die and he was not going to help her, then he was fired.  She endured traditional treatment for 18 months, then found the Seattle Cancer Treatment Center and switched there.  The original DX was three and a half years ago, and she has been at this clinic for 2 years.  She has a fighting spirit, and great respect for the protocols here.  She was inspiring. 

 She told me that she has learned a few things through all of this, that life will never be the same again, but she is grateful to still be here, and refuses to spoil the gift of today with grieving over what she has lost.  She is alone with a 15 year old daughter so has huge incentive to keep fighting.  Her name is Tera   for anyone who would like to add her to your prayer list.

 We see patients there who seem quite well, and a few which are in much worse shape than Leland is. 
 We feel so blessed that he is feeling better, and is able to enjoy the trips there and back.  He has even been able to drive part of the way, which is really helpful.  So far I have done all the driving in the city, which has been rather stressful to me.  We see more cars going through one change of the intersection than we do all month in Goldendale!  But I remind myself that God has this all under control, that I can do all things thru Him Who strengthens me-even drive in crazy Seattle traffic surrounded on all side by 18 Wheelers!  Leland teases me that I must really like those trucks, cuz we are always right behind one : )  (Apologies to Laura and Larry)

Thank you dear Cherilyn and Todd for the housekeeper who came while we were gone and did the routine cleaning for us-what a help that was!  And to Pat for picking up our mail and leaving it on the step along with a basket of organic produce from her garden, to Stanton for delivering our Azure order today.  We will enjoy and be thankful for all we have this day.  And last but not least, we are also very happy that Cherilyn and Todd will be making us grandparents again on or near March 25 : ).  Hugs to all of you.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 6, 2012 Seattle Cancer Treatment Center

We have been  here at the Cancer Treatment Center since 8:45 am, it is now just after noon.  Lots of details to work out-what the insurance will pay, and what we will pay. 

Leland has had his blood drawn and checked in the lab here, a vitamin infusion containing 25,00 units of C plus B and something else I can’t remember.  It will help him with cellular repair and oxidation, enhances the effect of the chemo and gives his immune system a lot of support.  He is now on the chemo drip, two different kinds which have been very successful for his type of cancer, plus a strong antiemetic which will last for 4-6 days in his system.

He has just enjoyed a large serving of watermelon which has been previously mostly forbidden due to high sugar content.  However, during the infusion period we have learned, it is good to eat something healthy and high in sugar.   As the cancer feeds on the sugar,  the watermelon is the Trojan Horse bringing the chemo in more effectively even though it is being given at a much lower dose than standard therapy. Any high glycemic food will do the job, although of course it is best to use whole fruits or juice for this.  Dr. G, our ND Oncologist says a lot of people bring in doughnuts and other junk, but he does not recommend that!

We are really appreciating the Integrative approach here.  Leland is tended by an RN, we have seen a Nurse Practioner, had a lot of help with navigating the insurance maze from the office staff, had several enlightening conversations with Dr. G and one of the other ND. Onc and been seen by the Medical Oncologist, Dr. C. 

He lost 3 more pounds this week, but Dr. G is not concerned, says all chemo patients lose weight because the body is fighting so hard, and it is to be expected.  He feels so much better now in constast  to last month, it is hard to believe. He actually has an appetite again, feels hunger rather than nausea and has some energy to do small tasks. He does get drowsy, and a little wobbly from time to time, but we can live with that!

He will have an IV Port placed in his upper chest wall next week, so his veins will not need to be punctured all the time.  Also another CT scan will be done, this time whole body, as no one yet has checked his chest and shoulders, then it can be compared with the first one done in April-at least the pelvis portion.

We were told by our nurse earlier (a cancer survivor herself) that aggressive cancers such as Leland’s respond very quickly to treatment.  Sounds good to me!  

We have a cubicle with a bed, a table and a couple of chairs, and curtains which can be drawn if we wish.  The wall by the bed is a huge window overlooking the  freeway with a view of a hillside in the background and lots of trees.  We are so thankful for each good day, for all God’s provisions for us, and for each of you-your love, prayers, cards and calls. We are indeed blessed as we journey this way.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Monday, Sept. 3, 2012

Just Enough Light-

Leland has been feeling better since his treatment than he has felt in several weeks.  There are always the adjustments which need to be made to keep everything in balance, but with the pain under control and the nausea greatly abated, he is doing so much better than before. 

We had a good trip home, and he has been able to eat again-at normal meal times.  He did not gain back any of the 7 pounds he lost a couple of weeks ago, but neither did he lose any more, so that is a draw.

He has been able to do a few chores, bill paying, mowing the lawn on the ride on mower, and he even fixed a broken part on one of our outdoor lounges today.  He tires easily; the pain meds make him drowsy, but we will take drowsy over sick!

We head back to Seattle-Renton area on Wednesday for a treatment on Thursday.  He will have a port inserted in his chest, as that is better than the IV in the veins.  .  We will be going once a week for 11 more treatments in this series.  They will be adding IV Vitamin C to the therapy this week.  He is on several nutritional supplements recommended by the ND Oncologists, with a couple more which we need to purchase online since they do not carry them in the clinic there.

We have been reading a book by Stormie Omartian called Just Enough Light For the Step I'm On.  It is very encouraging and speaks so often to the place in which we find ourselves.